You’ve Got Questions…I’ve Got Answers - Writing, directing, producing
NOV 30
Learn, ask and get your writing questions answered from a globally recognized pro with a 45 year history in television, movies and novels.
DATE & TIME: Wed, November 30, 2022, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM CST
I am Jack Olesker, Co-creator of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. For forty-five years I’ve earned my living by writing, producing, directing, being a story editor and, later, president of a motion picture and television studio. I’ve written produced and directed over 1,200 episodes of television, eighteen motion pictures and have published seven novels. But for many years before that, while I was an unpaid writer, an unpaid producer and an unpaid director, I struggled. I made mistake after mistake after mistake and I did whatever I had to do to put food on the table until my dreams were realized.
I made every mistake you can think of, including sending the only copy of my first novel to G.P. Putnam’s Sons in a shirt box. (Fortunately, it was published, became a bestseller, sold film rights to MGM and launched me on a nearly five decades-long career.)
Now I’m ready to share my knowledge and experiences with you so you can avoid the landmines I walked into, so you can maximize your writing, producing and directing skills and supercharge the path to your dreams.
My weekly “You’ve got questions…I’ve got answers” interactive Zoom symposiums will be unlike any you’ve taken part in. They're going to be information-rich, brimming with little-known facts, pulling back the curtain on the motion picture, television and publishing industries. The symposiums will answer the questions you want answers to, from how to get an agent, what it takes to sell a television series and, of course “Where do you get your ideas from?”, along with countless others.
You’ll get the answers you want because you are going to be asking me the questions. Each installment of the “You’ve got questions…I’ve got answers” interactive Zoom symposiums will be strictly limited to twenty Zoom participants. Each participant will be able to ask three questions and I’ll give you detailed answers no matter how long it takes. And you’ll learn as much from the answers to other participants’ questions as you will from the answers to your own.
It's going to be fulfilling, incredibly informative, a roadmap to your personal and professional success and we’ll have a lot of fun and a few laughs along the way.
Don’t wait! Sign up now! As soon as we reach twenty participants, the gateway will be closed until someone – silly rabbit! – drops out.
At $50 a session, this is like finding in a plutonium mine in your backyard!
Sessions will be enrolled independently for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:00 P.M. CST – until…